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Laura Adkins
Title I Interventionist
Cindy Alford
Supervisory Aide
Kimberly Alley
Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher/Pre K Aide
Claudia Blake
Pre K ECCAT Aide
Joe Brooks
Bus Driver 11-57
Rebecca Canterbury
Fourth Grade Teacher
Kimberly Chapman
Stephonie Chapman
Kindergarten Teacher
Marlee Chute
Pre K Teacher
Teresa Cooper
Kissney Cox
Communities in Schools
Isaac Dasher
Bus Driver 12-69
Kelly Dunn
Supervisory Aide
Cindy Durham
Kindergarten Teacher
Tracy Groves
William Hines
Jennifer Hoke
School Nurse
Whitney Hylton
LPN/Supervisory Aide
Erin Justice
School Counselor
Stephanie Lemastra
Pre K Teacher